The Best Home Warranty Companies of
Join the countless satisfied shoppers who turn to to make smart buying decisions. Our experts tested and compared top home warranty companies and combed through research, reviews and pricing to compile our list of the best home warranty services.
Last Updated

- Plans and pricing to fit every budget
- Professional network of over 17,000 contractors
- 30-day guarantee for completed repairs
- Covers older items regardless of age
- No inspection or maintenance records needed to purchase a plan
- Online and mobile system for requesting repairs
Labor Day Sale
Save Up To 50% Off!
- Plans that cover both systems and appliances
- Add-ons available for more customized coverage
- Nationwide network of 25,000+ contractors
- 24/7 customer service hotline for fast claims processing
- Services more than 1,650,000+ US homes
- Available to 49 states in the U.S.
Special Offer
$50 Off + 1 Month Free
- Some of the most comprehensive, total-home warranty plans on the market
- All plan options include major home systems and appliances
- Add-ons available to cover additional appliances and roof leaks
- One of the only companies that offers coverage for pest control
- Prices start at $56 a month, with frequent promotions offered
- Online portal for customer self-service 24/7
$75 Off + 1 Month Free
- 35 Years of Experience
- Request service 24/7, 365 days a year
- No limits to the number of claims filed
- Rated 3.7 / 5 based on 10,209 reviews on Trustpilot
- Coverage guaranteed, if it can not be repaired it is replaced
- Plans starting at $40/month
Get $100 Discount
- Fastest Claim Dispatch in the Industry
- Pre-Screened and Licensed Local Technicians
- 2022 Best-in-Service Award
- Plans starting at less than $1/day
- Seniors & Veterans Discounts Available
- 24/7 claims + dedicated account manager
- Coverage for both home appliances and systems
- Comprehensive plans cover major home systems, appliances or both
- Prices start at $47 per month ($44 with advertised discounts)
- 24/7 claims processing
- Add-ons available for customized home protection
- Discounts for multi-year coverage plans
- 30-day money back guarantee
- 24/7 customer service
- Flexible coverage plans starting at $1/day
- Contractor network of 10,000+ vetted technicians
- 4.7 out of 5 stars on Google reviews
- Comprehensive coverage for your home’s systems & appliance
- File claims and manage your account online with ease
- Offers 3 different home warranty plans to help fit your budget
- Customer service is available 24/7
- Online service portal to request service
- Technician network of more than 18,000 professionals
- Plans starting at $29.99/month
- 180-day workmanship guarantee on all covered repairs
- Helps cover the cost of the most expensive items (HVACs, plumbing etc.)
- Request a service by online portal or by phone
- Plans starting at $51.25/month
- Provides access to a marketplace of free and discounted services
- Can cover up to 24 Appliances and Systems
- Can choose a specific technician if desired